Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Homeschool & The Child With Special Needs

"And you shall teach them to your children, speaking of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. " -Deuteronomy 11:19 KJV2000

  I confess:  I am somewhat of a home school advocate.  I don't criticize people's choice to send their children to public school (God may ask you to do that!), however, I truly believe that many children--especially those with certain special needs--are far better off home schooled.
  I f you ask adults with Autism what the worst part of growing up with it was, most will tell you "public school."  It was too overwhelming from them with so many people, they had sensory overload, they were teased, bullied, rejected and misunderstood, they struggled to keep up in some areas and surpassed everyone else in others.
  Many mothers think there is no way they could home school their kids.  Perhaps they fell his or her needs are too great, or that they can't do it because they don't h ave a teaching or child psychology degree.  Most mothers think they don't have enough patience.
  I am not known for my patience.  In fact, quite the opposite.  However, God's using this to help me cultivate that fruit in my life.  I don't have any degrees.  I graduated high school, then did one semester at university before I dropped out.  But here's the edge I do have:  I know my child better than  any other human being on the face of the earth.  I know how he ticks.  I know how he learns, what frustrates him & what his interests are. I know his strengths & weaknesses.  
  I won't try to sedate him with drugs to make him sit still I don't want to suppress his uncontrollable urges to stim and with his echolia.  Most importantly, I will let my son be who he is meant to be.
  He obviously can't be bullied or picked on at home, and isn't as distracted as he would be in a crowded classroom.  It also keeps him innocent longer---and there's nothing wrong with that.
  So not only is it great for the child, but it's great for you, too!  It teaches you patience, but also you get to reap the rewards as you see your child learning and progressing.  Knowing you have had a hand in that is a very gratifying feeling.
  If God asks you to home school your child with special needs, fear not;  God will provide you with what you need to do it, and make what seems impossible, possible.  He did it for me, and continues to.

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